piano tips

Practising Piano Techniques Part 1 


Practising is a highly sensitive topic. In my experience as a teacher and a performer - there are thousands of ways to do something on our instrument. Finding those shortcuts that make everything efficient and better,  with true clarity that can later turn into a method - proves to be a challenge. Let’s first examine a little bit what practising is. When we say “I have to practise “ - we already automated the action, I have to be by the piano (or any other instrument) and do some work. I find that some essential understanding of what work needs to [...]

Practising Piano Techniques Part 1 2022-08-30T20:36:33+01:00

10 Reasons (Out Of 100s) Why Concert Attending Is Really Important For Musical Development – Part 2


Part 2 In part 1 we covered the essence of what listening to classical music live could mean to us- physically, emotionally, chemically etc. Here are some more reasons why it is a wonderful experience to visit live performances. 6. It Sustains Culture Even though classical concerts might not be everyone’s favourite night out - it is certainly important to send the message that we need culture. And the best way to do so is to, of course, attend performances and show our support. Culture is holding our society together and by actively taking part in live performances (as audience) we [...]

10 Reasons (Out Of 100s) Why Concert Attending Is Really Important For Musical Development – Part 22022-07-05T10:20:34+01:00

10 Reasons (Out Of 100s) Why Concert Attending Is Really Important For Musical Development – Part 1


Music Came Before The Language Music is not consumed just for fun as it might seem now, at the present time. Netflix, cinema, a night out... Music has changed its role drastically, in this century specifically. If we try to imagine our life without it - at first it wouldn’t seem that bad. Maybe it would be strange to exercise without music, or we frequently wouldn’t understand the context of a specific movie scene as many movie directors heavily rely on music to tell us the emotion of the scene. Imagine weddings, celebrations, birthday parties... the fact that music is everywhere [...]

10 Reasons (Out Of 100s) Why Concert Attending Is Really Important For Musical Development – Part 12022-04-25T15:25:41+01:00

Choosing Repertoire for Performances


Choosing Repertoire This is a very interesting topic that could dictate a lot on how we progress and how we discover our strengths and weaknesses. Many performers today have chosen to stick to performing works by one or just a few composers. This allows a complete dedication and sinking into the depths of a specific language and style. On the other hand, we have performers who like to discover as they play - as they grow as musicians, finding new pieces and challenging themselves by immersing themselves into the unknown. What I find interesting is how the repertoire we chose shapes [...]

Choosing Repertoire for Performances2022-04-14T08:31:11+01:00

Why Scales?


Scales can be seen as a tedious task by many people who choose to study the piano but without them your technique and knowledge will never reach its full potential and no one wants to be held back! I get asked frequently by students ‘why do I have to play scales?’ ‘What do they even do that benefit me?’ I usually struggle to find one short answer when this happens because there’s a whole list of reasons I could dive into…. And I do. The main reason for practicing your scales is to build up your finger technique. If you take [...]

Why Scales?2022-03-30T13:30:40+01:00

Joy of improvising and 7 day challenge!


Improvising on piano - Part 2 Hello music lovers! In part 1 of this article, I wrote about the importance of composing and improvising on piano. If you haven’t yet - check it out. We discussed the very beginnings of structured improvisation. It is easy and anyone can do it. It might not be the most comfortable at first but it is definitely beneficial, fun and progressively better the more we do it! I suggested that the first steps of structured improvisation could be through imitation of what we hear and variation of some of the components in that material. In [...]

Joy of improvising and 7 day challenge!2022-01-19T21:33:36+00:00

Importance of improvisation & composing in musical development


Improvising on piano - Part 1 When we mention improvisation and composing to an averagely educated instrumentalist, both of these concepts sound scary, to say the least. The problem with music education is that it focuses on the bare minimum so to say: it provides music literacy and basic knowledge of playing a specific instrument. It takes a long time to become a healthy-sounding performer- so it is no wonder that this is the case. When we combine other activities in life; obligatory education, homework, commitments of all sorts - practising the piano every day seems plenty as it is. The [...]

Importance of improvisation & composing in musical development2022-01-19T21:41:20+00:00

The bridge between classical and jazz piano


I am a classically trained pianist who was invited to perform at the Montreux Jazz Festival and decided to move to jazz soon after this unique experience. I was 23 years old and had finished my piano studies in Paris before travelling to Switzerland to hone my skills. I was preparing for a number of international piano competitions when I realised I had reached a plateau. Finding performing chances was difficult, and I wasn't sure which door to open next. I was still rehearsing various pieces of classical repertoire on a regular basis, but I didn't have anything to look forward [...]

The bridge between classical and jazz piano2021-10-18T15:47:12+01:00

The fear of failure is the primary reason why adults do not begin learning to play the piano.


When I meet new people in different contexts, I am frequently asked what I do for a living. People are often amazed and envious when I tell them I am a pianist. “I wish I could play a musical instrument!” I frequently hear. It's amazing to meet so many people who want to play the piano but don't take the necessary steps to make their desire a reality! I am always astounded when individuals tell me how much they want to do something but do nothing to make it happen. I understand that it is not always simple to make our [...]

The fear of failure is the primary reason why adults do not begin learning to play the piano.2021-10-11T14:26:52+01:00

Why I love teaching adult amateur pianists


I enjoy teaching adult amateur pianists for a variety of reasons, but the major one is that they have a passion and love for the instrument that I have rarely seen in professional pianists. Professional pianists, of course, adore the piano; otherwise, they would not have chosen to spend their lives playing it, but the level of perfection necessary can sometimes turn the situation around. To defend your title as a concert pianist, you must ensure that each performance is flawless and that each note is played in a precise manner to ensure the overall beauty of your interpretation. Technical and [...]

Why I love teaching adult amateur pianists2021-10-02T09:14:46+01:00


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