Amateur Pianists

Interpretation and Expression: The Art of Breathing Life into Piano Music


Interpretation and expression lie at the heart of piano playing. Beyond the technical mastery of the instrument, it is the pianist's ability to convey emotion, tell a story, and breathe life into the music that captivates audiences. In this article, we will explore the significance of interpretation and expression in piano playing, discussing the techniques and approaches that pianists employ to create a truly mesmerizing musical experience.The Power of Interpretation:Interpretation is the process of understanding and conveying the composer's intentions through personal insight and creativity. It involves delving deep into the score, uncovering the subtle nuances, and bringing them to the [...]

Interpretation and Expression: The Art of Breathing Life into Piano Music2023-07-19T18:48:46+01:00

Why I love teaching adult amateur pianists


I enjoy teaching adult amateur pianists for a variety of reasons, but the major one is that they have a passion and love for the instrument that I have rarely seen in professional pianists. Professional pianists, of course, adore the piano; otherwise, they would not have chosen to spend their lives playing it, but the level of perfection necessary can sometimes turn the situation around. To defend your title as a concert pianist, you must ensure that each performance is flawless and that each note is played in a precise manner to ensure the overall beauty of your interpretation. Technical and [...]

Why I love teaching adult amateur pianists2021-10-02T09:14:46+01:00

Improving your skills as a serious amateur pianist in London


Celine Gaurier-Joubert shares her wisdom and expertise to help you improve your piano playing as a serious amateur pianist in London! Improving your skills #1 – What to do when you feel that you are unable to improve further after reaching a certain level of musicality At The London Piano Institute, we have met hundreds of amateur pianists who felt in need of benefiting from the expert advice of a professional pianist as they could not find the way to improve on their own anymore. They felt as they were facing a wall. Many adult amateur pianists are in this situation, [...]

Improving your skills as a serious amateur pianist in London2021-03-01T10:41:07+00:00
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