Nature of the piano

A Journey Through the Musical Ages


You may notice that when you play the piano different pieces have certain characteristics. This will have something to do with the time period that it was written in. Music has five main eras, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modernist; today, we are going to travel in time and discover the beauty of each period. The Renaissance period (1400-1600) was ruled by composers from the likes of William Byrd, Thomas Tallis and Claudio Monteverdi. Interestingly, Byrd and Tallis were the first composers to ever be granted a patent to print and publish music meanwhile Monteverdi was the first opera composer who’s [...]

A Journey Through the Musical Ages2023-01-03T21:17:02+00:00

Sound as a central aspect of music making


Absolutely everything produces sound. Traffic, speaking, waterfalls, cash machines... and my personal favourite, people playing instruments and people singing. Sound is defined as “vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person’s ear”. From my experience we take sound for granted. I am quite certain that the majority of us does not hear a sound and think “that is a traveling vibration”. Music, having sound production in its essence, is perhaps the most abstract of arts - we can not see it, touch it, it enters our ears and the rest happens [...]

Sound as a central aspect of music making2021-06-24T19:18:50+01:00

8 Reasons why you need to practice your piano scales daily


REASON 1: Practising your scales will develop your musical technique and finger-ability on the piano There is no arguing about the fact that the world’s greatest pianists practised scales on a daily basis in order to develop superb technique. Paderewski, one of the most renowned pianists and once Prime Minister of Poland had an (approx.) twelve-hour daily workout of scales, arpeggios and various other exercises. He also started piano at a late age. Proving that YOU can learn and become great at any age! Paderewski studied under master pianist Leschetizky, who made ABSOLUTELY sure Paderewski practised and practised and practised some [...]

8 Reasons why you need to practice your piano scales daily2021-03-02T11:44:45+00:00

The piano has only 12 keys. 7 white notes and 5 black notes


As a new piano enthusiast sitting in front of the black and white notes for the very first time, it can be quite a daunting experience!You will probably feel lost and slightly confused by the magnitude of the piano's keyboard. The most important thing to remember is that a piano has 7 white notes namely C,D,E,F,G,A,B and 5 black notes C#, D#, F#, G#, A# or Db, Eb, Gb, Ab, Bb (depending upon which key your in). Nevertheless there's only 7 white plus 5 black which equals a total of 12 piano notes. The next thing to notice is that the [...]

The piano has only 12 keys. 7 white notes and 5 black notes2021-03-01T10:03:32+00:00
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