Stefan Joubert

About Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert manages the London Piano Institute, a premier destination for adult piano learners seeking individualised instruction and progress towards their musical goals. He believes anyone can learn to play regardless of age or ability!

Music Festivals in the UK


The UK is famous for its vibrant and eclectic music festival scene, where there's something for everyone—from indie lovers to electronic dance enthusiasts to fans of good old rock and roll. Whether you're into discovering the hottest new acts or rocking out to legendary headliners, you’ll find it here! This guide highlights some of the UK’s most exciting festivals and why they’re a must for your summer (or autumn) calendar. So, pack your wellies, get your festival outfits ready, and prepare for an unforgettable adventure! 1. The Great Escape Location: Brighton Date: Early May If discovering fresh talent before they hit [...]

Music Festivals in the UK2024-10-03T10:42:06+01:00

Back to Basics with Your Piano Playing!


As a pianist, whether you're a novice or a seasoned professional, it's essential to revisit the fundamental skills and techniques that underpin your playing. Take a step back and get back to basics with your piano playing—it's the perfect way to revitalise your practice and take your playing to new heights! Why Go Back to Basics? Even experienced pianists can benefit from going back to basics. Revisiting fundamental skills and techniques offers a multitude of advantages, ensuring continuous growth and development as a musician: Refine Your Technique and Eliminate Bad Habits Over time, even seasoned pianists can develop subtle bad [...]

Back to Basics with Your Piano Playing!2024-06-24T16:45:05+01:00

Mastering Piano Chord Playing: Techniques to Perform Like a Professional


Playing chords on the piano is a foundational skill for any aspiring musician. From classical to jazz, pop to rock, chords are the building blocks of music, providing the harmonic framework upon which melodies and rhythms are built.Mastering technique is essential to playing chords like a professional. In this article, we'll explore four key techniques that will help you elevate your piano chord playing to a professional level.So read on to make sure your chordal techniques are up to par and ready to assist you with your pianistic expression!Hand ShapeThe first step to playing chords like a pro is to adopt [...]

Mastering Piano Chord Playing: Techniques to Perform Like a Professional2024-03-25T17:11:28+00:00

Piano Teacher vs Being Self-Taught


Do-it-yourself (DIY) has become such a common phrase these days that when it comes to certain areas where a lot of skill is required, such as playing the piano, it can put your overall skill and technique in jeopardy. Yes there are many resources to help one with learning to play the piano by yourself, but is it justifiable to neglect the importance of having a teacher? You’re torn between booking that lesson or just teaching yourself. Which one is better? Well, in this article we are going to analyse both sides from a neutral perspective and compromise. The Benefits [...]

Piano Teacher vs Being Self-Taught2024-06-27T22:09:01+01:00

How to Care for and Maintain Your Piano


Have you ever wondered whether a piano needs maintenance or not? Well, the answer to that question is yes. Pianos, like any other instruments, need to be looked after and cared for to prolong its use and keep the original value maximised. This blog will go over a few important aspects to keep in mind, as well as how to really look after your piano. How Does a Piano Work? The piano was created around the 1700’s by a man named Bartolomeo Cristofori. He removed the plucking mechanism of a harpsichord and replaced it with a hammer. A typical grand [...]

How to Care for and Maintain Your Piano2024-01-23T21:19:03+00:00

Digital vs Acoustic Pianos


The piano is a beautiful and versatile instrument. If you are looking into buying a new piano for yourself, a family/friend or even a company, and are overwhelmed by all the options - it is important to know which one would fulfil the requirements of your current situation. Digital, or acoustic- which one is better? Let’s find out! The History of the Piano The first piano ever made dates back to the 1700’s where a man named Bartolomeo Cristofori took the harpsichord and made it “better”. He disliked the fact that musicians could not control the level of volume on a [...]

Digital vs Acoustic Pianos2024-01-16T15:08:30+00:00

The Importance Of Practising With A Metronome


The further you submerge into your musical journey, the more technique is required to keep your talent and effort crisp and clear.Luckily the metronome has made a way for all piano players, guitarists and many more instrumentalists to achieve the perfection they want.Background and HistoryWhat is a metronome?It is none other than a device used by musicians that marks time at a selected rate by giving a regular tick.Metronomes date back to 1815 when Johann Maelzel created a wind-up metronome as a tool for musicians.He took Dietrich Nikolaus Winkel’s first mechanical musical chronometer and added a scale which created the so-called [...]

The Importance Of Practising With A Metronome2024-01-03T12:23:52+00:00

How Long Does It Take To Learn Piano?


It is no secret that piano is a skill that can only be developed over time. But how long would it take before you are able to know some basics and play a few songs? And is it worth the money and time? Practice is crucial for learning the piano. The more hours you constantly put in, the more rewards you’ll reap. For beginners who have absolutely no experience whatsoever are advised to practise at least 30 minutes to 1 hour daily. Starting with basic scales and arpeggios will swiftly grow your technique. But is there a cheat-code anyone can [...]

How Long Does It Take To Learn Piano?2024-01-23T21:21:58+00:00

Why Piano Lessons Are The Ultimate Gift For A Loved One


Finding the perfect gift can be a challenging endeavour, but some gifts stand the test of time and leave a lasting impact. Among these, piano lessons shine as a truly timeless present. Here's why gifting piano lessons to a loved one is a choice that resonates with meaning and significance: Nurturing a Lifelong Passion Piano lessons go beyond just learning an instrument; they're about sparking a lasting love for music. Whether your loved one has always dreamed of playing the piano or wants to revive their musical interests, piano lessons offer a chance to dive into the world of tunes and [...]

Why Piano Lessons Are The Ultimate Gift For A Loved One2023-12-07T11:44:30+00:00

Interview with Xinyue – Oct 2023


About Xinyue Xinyue, a renowned classical piano teacher at London Piano Institute, brings over a decade of experience, remarkable skills, and awards to inspire students. Stefan Joubert: When did you start playing the piano and why? Xinyue: I started playing the piano at the age of 4. My parents quickly noticed my fascination with the piano. They saw that I had an ear for music and an unusual sense of rhythm for my age. They decided to nurture my budding talent by enrolling me in piano lessons. Stefan Joubert: What is your worst memory as a piano student? Xinyue: It [...]

Interview with Xinyue – Oct 20232023-10-19T12:32:37+01:00
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