learning to play piano

Am I Too Old For Piano Lessons?


So, you're thinking about taking up piano lessons as an adult and the big question on your mind is, "Am I too old for this?" Well, let me tell you my friend, age is just a number! And honestly, what's the worst that could happen? You might not become the next Beethoven, but at least you'll have a new hobby to impress your friends and family with. Now, let's talk about some of the benefits of learning to play the piano as an adult. First off, you've probably already developed your music taste and have a better understanding of what you [...]

Am I Too Old For Piano Lessons?2023-04-26T10:09:48+01:00

How To Improve Your Memory For The Piano


Improving your memory can be a great way to enhance your piano-playing skills and I am here to provide you with a few tips to achieve just that. Practice Regularly Consistent practice is crucial for improving your memory when learning to play the piano. When you practice the same pieces repeatedly, you are strengthening the neural connections in your brain that are responsible for muscle memory. This allows your fingers to move easily and smoothly over the keys, making it less challenging for you to recall the notes and fingerings as you play. In order to see results, try to [...]

How To Improve Your Memory For The Piano2023-01-30T05:19:04+00:00

The Psychological, Emotional and Physical Benefits of Playing The Piano


There are many benefits that come with playing an instrument, specifically the piano. Some are obvious and some you wouldn’t believe, each are just as unique and important in their own way. Here are just a few of the psychological, emotional and physical benefits of learning the piano that may inspire you to learn or to carry on lessons. Learning the piano is known to boost your cognitive and intellectual abilities which essentially makes you stronger in the parts of your brain which uses reasoning and math. This is because the same area (the parietal lobe) is activated when you integrate [...]

The Psychological, Emotional and Physical Benefits of Playing The Piano2023-01-03T21:16:10+00:00

Practising Piano Techniques – Part 2


Hello again and welcome to part 2 of practising techniques! If you haven’t already checked out part 1, please do so as I shared some of the practising principles that I find super important. We covered the essence of concepts like searching, listening, identifying the problems and repetition. All of these concepts are somehow a core of practising any instrument. What I would like to further focus on is again both practical advice as well as a general concept. 5. Physical Awareness I find that physical awareness is often overlooked as a concept. Maybe more so with teaching children as they [...]

Practising Piano Techniques – Part 22022-08-30T20:37:26+01:00

Practising Piano Techniques Part 1 


Practising is a highly sensitive topic. In my experience as a teacher and a performer - there are thousands of ways to do something on our instrument. Finding those shortcuts that make everything efficient and better,  with true clarity that can later turn into a method - proves to be a challenge. Let’s first examine a little bit what practising is. When we say “I have to practise “ - we already automated the action, I have to be by the piano (or any other instrument) and do some work. I find that some essential understanding of what work needs to [...]

Practising Piano Techniques Part 1 2022-08-30T20:36:33+01:00

Why Scales?


Scales can be seen as a tedious task by many people who choose to study the piano but without them your technique and knowledge will never reach its full potential and no one wants to be held back! I get asked frequently by students ‘why do I have to play scales?’ ‘What do they even do that benefit me?’ I usually struggle to find one short answer when this happens because there’s a whole list of reasons I could dive into…. And I do. The main reason for practicing your scales is to build up your finger technique. If you take [...]

Why Scales?2022-03-30T13:30:40+01:00

Joy of improvising and 7 day challenge!


Improvising on piano - Part 2 Hello music lovers! In part 1 of this article, I wrote about the importance of composing and improvising on piano. If you haven’t yet - check it out. We discussed the very beginnings of structured improvisation. It is easy and anyone can do it. It might not be the most comfortable at first but it is definitely beneficial, fun and progressively better the more we do it! I suggested that the first steps of structured improvisation could be through imitation of what we hear and variation of some of the components in that material. In [...]

Joy of improvising and 7 day challenge!2022-01-19T21:33:36+00:00

The fear of failure is the primary reason why adults do not begin learning to play the piano.


When I meet new people in different contexts, I am frequently asked what I do for a living. People are often amazed and envious when I tell them I am a pianist. “I wish I could play a musical instrument!” I frequently hear. It's amazing to meet so many people who want to play the piano but don't take the necessary steps to make their desire a reality! I am always astounded when individuals tell me how much they want to do something but do nothing to make it happen. I understand that it is not always simple to make our [...]

The fear of failure is the primary reason why adults do not begin learning to play the piano.2021-10-11T14:26:52+01:00

This race against the clock will kill your piano playing


Some adults begin their piano studies with the intention of completing it quickly. They do not begin because they are enthusiastic about playing the piano and want to incorporate this wonderful activity into their lives. They begin piano lessons as soon as possible in order to achieve their goal and cross it off their bucket list. I have met a few adults with this mindset who told me right away that they were going to give it a year. They wanted to quickly master piano playing so they could move on to something else. It had to be done as we [...]

This race against the clock will kill your piano playing2021-10-01T10:32:14+01:00

Dont’ follow the crowd – Succeed at piano playing


I'm always perplexed by most adults' attitudes toward piano playing. Most adults begin and then stop after a few weeks. I don't understand why they embark on such a wonderful journey and then abandon ship at the first hurdle. I've been teaching piano for over 20 years and I've noticed a consistent pattern: 9 out of 10 adults stop taking piano lessons after 6 months. Some of them stop even earlier. It happens not only with my students, but also with people who take classes with my colleagues. Adults appear to have a misunderstanding about piano playing. When they begin their [...]

Dont’ follow the crowd – Succeed at piano playing2021-09-16T13:12:38+01:00
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