Piano Inspiration

Am I Too Old For Piano Lessons?


So, you're thinking about taking up piano lessons as an adult and the big question on your mind is, "Am I too old for this?" Well, let me tell you my friend, age is just a number! And honestly, what's the worst that could happen? You might not become the next Beethoven, but at least you'll have a new hobby to impress your friends and family with. Now, let's talk about some of the benefits of learning to play the piano as an adult. First off, you've probably already developed your music taste and have a better understanding of what you [...]

Am I Too Old For Piano Lessons?2023-04-26T10:09:48+01:00



There is no feeling like being in the flow of doing something and flourishing at a particular craft. The first time you rode a bike without falling, or when you took up running and ran your first 10k is an excellent feeling of freedom and achievement. However, getting to this level is not simple, and requires practice and effort- but how do we achieve this? Thriving in piano playing has similarities to other high-performance areas and none more so than high-level elite sports performance. In a study on thriving in elite sports performers, Dr Daniel Brown, a sports scientist at [...]


The Rule of Three


I was watching a video recently about an Olympic athlete talking about their training. Right before they went to the last Olympics, they had a training session and, in their words, "was like a trainwreck'. They, of course, want to go to the Olympics in peak condition to have the best chance of winning and the worry was that they were behind in their progress. Their coach, however, had some great advice to give. She said when you are training at your upper levels of performance, not every session is going to be perfect and called it "the rule of [...]

The Rule of Three2023-03-16T08:54:36+00:00

Practising Piano Techniques – Part 2


Hello again and welcome to part 2 of practising techniques! If you haven’t already checked out part 1, please do so as I shared some of the practising principles that I find super important. We covered the essence of concepts like searching, listening, identifying the problems and repetition. All of these concepts are somehow a core of practising any instrument. What I would like to further focus on is again both practical advice as well as a general concept. 5. Physical Awareness I find that physical awareness is often overlooked as a concept. Maybe more so with teaching children as they [...]

Practising Piano Techniques – Part 22022-08-30T20:37:26+01:00

The importance of discipline and consistency in piano playing


Consistency is key. You might have heard or read this sentence several times. You surely understand its meaning and you surely agree with it. You might or might not apply it in your daily life but did you know that these essential principles which are discipline and consistency apply to piano playing too? Throughout my career as a piano teacher, I have met several men and women who were extremely disciplined in some aspects of their life. I did not specifically discuss the subject with them but I could see that they were successful and that a good amount of effort [...]

The importance of discipline and consistency in piano playing2021-09-07T14:03:05+01:00

Interview with virtuoso pianist Ljubica Stojanovic


How and when did you develop your passion for the piano? It was early on in my life, it started since I know of myself. My father is a pianist and my older sister is violinist, music was surrounding us since we were born. We would go to sleep listening to classical music tapes and were in general encouraged to play songs or music that we heard. The piano was the central piece in our living room and I considered it a fun toy. I loved music straightaway and would always dream awake while listening. It felt like one of the [...]

Interview with virtuoso pianist Ljubica Stojanovic2021-03-01T10:44:53+00:00

How to adapt to a different piano for each performance


Having to adapt to a different piano at each performance can sometimes be quite a tricky exercise. There are basically two standard acoustic pianos, namely the upright piano and the grand piano. There is quite a significant difference between them, let alone having to play on any given piano except for the one you are used to playing on. The upright piano has vertical strings and is more seen as the ‘household’ piano used for training children or plainly for a practice instrument. The action is that of hammers hitting against the vertically strung strings within an upright wooden body. The [...]

How to adapt to a different piano for each performance2021-03-01T10:44:41+00:00

Improving your skills as a serious amateur pianist in London


Celine Gaurier-Joubert shares her wisdom and expertise to help you improve your piano playing as a serious amateur pianist in London! Improving your skills #1 – What to do when you feel that you are unable to improve further after reaching a certain level of musicality At The London Piano Institute, we have met hundreds of amateur pianists who felt in need of benefiting from the expert advice of a professional pianist as they could not find the way to improve on their own anymore. They felt as they were facing a wall. Many adult amateur pianists are in this situation, [...]

Improving your skills as a serious amateur pianist in London2021-03-01T10:41:07+00:00

Overcoming obstacles in your piano journey


Sometimes obstacles may seem insurmountable, but if you follow the advice below you can definitely overcome any obstacle in your way! Three years ago you started playing the piano for the first time and it all seemed so easy. You passed your graded examinations with flying colours and you are on your way to grade 4 now. The only problem is that things are getting very difficult... You have to play scales, arpeggios, broken chords with two hands at faster speeds and the compositions are a LOT more challenging! You even start to think... "Can I really do this?". You attend [...]

Overcoming obstacles in your piano journey2021-03-01T10:33:09+00:00
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