piano performance tips

Playing Piano in a Jazz Band: A Beginner’s Guide


Learning jazz piano is a process that takes hundreds of hours of practise. Gaining an affinity with all of the necessary chords, scales, language and tunes can have you marinating in a practise room for a long time before you start feeling like you are playing fluently in your own style. However, there have been countless musicians who have become adept at jamming to backing tracks, or playing solo in a way that they are satisfied with, who have found themselves lost when they reach the bandstand. In reality, no matter how many hours you put into honing your craft alone, [...]

Playing Piano in a Jazz Band: A Beginner’s Guide2024-11-13T09:10:12+00:00

Piano Performance: Overcome Your Stage Fright


Stage fright should not hinder one from performing in front of an audience. Yet it is very much a reality. Did you know there are ways to help overcome it? Brief Background on Public Piano Performances and How Technology Changed them The first ever public piano concert in history was performed by Johann Christian Bach in 1768, London. J.C Bach is the youngest son of the well known J.S. Bach. This public performance was the start of many of its kind. J.C. Bach, like his father, was a very gifted musician and composed many works during his life. The Opera became [...]

Piano Performance: Overcome Your Stage Fright2024-03-26T10:03:17+00:00
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