piano skills

Back to Basics with Your Piano Playing!


As a pianist, whether you're a novice or a seasoned professional, it's essential to revisit the fundamental skills and techniques that underpin your playing. Take a step back and get back to basics with your piano playing—it's the perfect way to revitalise your practice and take your playing to new heights! Why Go Back to Basics? Even experienced pianists can benefit from going back to basics. Revisiting fundamental skills and techniques offers a multitude of advantages, ensuring continuous growth and development as a musician: Refine Your Technique and Eliminate Bad Habits Over time, even seasoned pianists can develop subtle bad [...]

Back to Basics with Your Piano Playing!2024-06-24T16:45:05+01:00

What Is Perfect Pitch?


Most people have heard of the wonders of perfect pitch. But what exactly is it? Is it an innate ability? Can you learn it over time? Follow this article for an answer to all of your questions. Perfect pitch is considered a highly sought-after skill in the music industry, as it allows musicians to instantly identify and produce any musical note without the need for a reference. Musicians with perfect pitch are able to instantly recognise notes and chords, making it easier for them to compose, improvise, and transcribe music. They can also identify and correct pitch errors in their own [...]

What Is Perfect Pitch?2023-03-16T08:54:12+00:00

How to learn a new piano piece effectively, get fast results and be in full control


Discover how to learn a new piano piece effectively, get fast results and be in full control A revolutionary method In this article, I am going to reveal one of my best-kept secret regarding the learning and practice of a new piano piece. I have always taught this method to my students, but it is the first time I am sharing it publicly. What you are about to read is revolutionary. I can promise you that if you follow all the steps diligently, your experience of learning of a new piano piece will be changed forever! It is rather unusual, but [...]

How to learn a new piano piece effectively, get fast results and be in full control2021-03-01T10:43:18+00:00

How to seriously improve your sight-reading


Learn how to improve your sight-reading and why it is absolutely essential for you to develop this all-important piano skill! Why is sight-reading so important? Sight-reading is an essential skill that all pianists should possess and excel at it. If you are not familiar with this term, sight-reading is the art of being able to play a piano piece at first sight without any prior (or little) preparation. It is an important skill to develop for the following reasons: 1. Reading a score easily, at first sight, will definitely help you learn a new piece of the repertoire much quicker and [...]

How to seriously improve your sight-reading2021-03-01T10:40:13+00:00

What to expect from your first year of piano lessons


Learn what you can expect during your first year of piano playing! Yes, It can be daunting attending your first piano lesson but you’re not the only one that’s been in that position and your teacher will understand. Whether you choose to have private or group lessons you’re likely to want to know how quickly you’ll progress and develop your new skills. Of course, everybody is different and how your progress will depend on a whole range of factors, from your natural aptitude for musical instruments to how much time you spend practising outside of lessons. At times, it can be [...]

What to expect from your first year of piano lessons2021-03-01T10:26:10+00:00
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