Beginner Piano Guide

Am I Too Old For Piano Lessons?


So, you're thinking about taking up piano lessons as an adult and the big question on your mind is, "Am I too old for this?" Well, let me tell you my friend, age is just a number! And honestly, what's the worst that could happen? You might not become the next Beethoven, but at least you'll have a new hobby to impress your friends and family with. Now, let's talk about some of the benefits of learning to play the piano as an adult. First off, you've probably already developed your music taste and have a better understanding of what you [...]

Am I Too Old For Piano Lessons?2023-04-26T10:09:48+01:00



There is no feeling like being in the flow of doing something and flourishing at a particular craft. The first time you rode a bike without falling, or when you took up running and ran your first 10k is an excellent feeling of freedom and achievement. However, getting to this level is not simple, and requires practice and effort- but how do we achieve this? Thriving in piano playing has similarities to other high-performance areas and none more so than high-level elite sports performance. In a study on thriving in elite sports performers, Dr Daniel Brown, a sports scientist at [...]


How To Improve Your Memory For The Piano


Improving your memory can be a great way to enhance your piano-playing skills and I am here to provide you with a few tips to achieve just that. Practice Regularly Consistent practice is crucial for improving your memory when learning to play the piano. When you practice the same pieces repeatedly, you are strengthening the neural connections in your brain that are responsible for muscle memory. This allows your fingers to move easily and smoothly over the keys, making it less challenging for you to recall the notes and fingerings as you play. In order to see results, try to [...]

How To Improve Your Memory For The Piano2023-01-30T05:19:04+00:00

The Psychological, Emotional and Physical Benefits of Playing The Piano


There are many benefits that come with playing an instrument, specifically the piano. Some are obvious and some you wouldn’t believe, each are just as unique and important in their own way. Here are just a few of the psychological, emotional and physical benefits of learning the piano that may inspire you to learn or to carry on lessons. Learning the piano is known to boost your cognitive and intellectual abilities which essentially makes you stronger in the parts of your brain which uses reasoning and math. This is because the same area (the parietal lobe) is activated when you integrate [...]

The Psychological, Emotional and Physical Benefits of Playing The Piano2023-01-03T21:16:10+00:00

Most Common Mistakes When Learning The Piano As A Beginner


Everyone has to start somewhere when learning an instrument and surprisingly a lot of beginners make the same mistakes at the beginning of their journey. As a piano teacher, here are the most common mistakes that I see being made. Have a look and see how many you do / have corrected. Surprisingly to most people, the first mistake is usually made before the starting line. Now this may leave you thinking ‘how can you make a mistake before even starting?’ Well, usually when I talk to my students on their first lesson I get told many times that they [...]

Most Common Mistakes When Learning The Piano As A Beginner2022-11-23T20:14:00+00:00

10 Reasons (Out Of 100s) Why Concert Attending Is Really Important For Musical Development – Part 2


Part 2 In part 1 we covered the essence of what listening to classical music live could mean to us- physically, emotionally, chemically etc. Here are some more reasons why it is a wonderful experience to visit live performances. 6. It Sustains Culture Even though classical concerts might not be everyone’s favourite night out - it is certainly important to send the message that we need culture. And the best way to do so is to, of course, attend performances and show our support. Culture is holding our society together and by actively taking part in live performances (as audience) we [...]

10 Reasons (Out Of 100s) Why Concert Attending Is Really Important For Musical Development – Part 22022-07-05T10:20:34+01:00

10 Reasons (Out Of 100s) Why Concert Attending Is Really Important For Musical Development – Part 1


Music Came Before The Language Music is not consumed just for fun as it might seem now, at the present time. Netflix, cinema, a night out... Music has changed its role drastically, in this century specifically. If we try to imagine our life without it - at first it wouldn’t seem that bad. Maybe it would be strange to exercise without music, or we frequently wouldn’t understand the context of a specific movie scene as many movie directors heavily rely on music to tell us the emotion of the scene. Imagine weddings, celebrations, birthday parties... the fact that music is everywhere [...]

10 Reasons (Out Of 100s) Why Concert Attending Is Really Important For Musical Development – Part 12022-04-25T15:25:41+01:00

How adults can start to play the piano?


Many adults contemplate the idea of starting to play the piano, but they do not always know where to begin. "Is there a book I can buy?", "Shall I look on YouTube?", "Shall I rather contact a piano teacher or a music school?", "Is it even possible for me as an adult to learn how to play the piano?". So many questions go through their minds that they often exhaust themselves looking for the answer and lose the courage to take any action. They feel lost and do not know who to turn to. I completely understand that adults are often [...]

How adults can start to play the piano?2021-10-11T11:22:17+01:00

Dont’ follow the crowd – Succeed at piano playing


I'm always perplexed by most adults' attitudes toward piano playing. Most adults begin and then stop after a few weeks. I don't understand why they embark on such a wonderful journey and then abandon ship at the first hurdle. I've been teaching piano for over 20 years and I've noticed a consistent pattern: 9 out of 10 adults stop taking piano lessons after 6 months. Some of them stop even earlier. It happens not only with my students, but also with people who take classes with my colleagues. Adults appear to have a misunderstanding about piano playing. When they begin their [...]

Dont’ follow the crowd – Succeed at piano playing2021-09-16T13:12:38+01:00

The importance of discipline and consistency in piano playing


Consistency is key. You might have heard or read this sentence several times. You surely understand its meaning and you surely agree with it. You might or might not apply it in your daily life but did you know that these essential principles which are discipline and consistency apply to piano playing too? Throughout my career as a piano teacher, I have met several men and women who were extremely disciplined in some aspects of their life. I did not specifically discuss the subject with them but I could see that they were successful and that a good amount of effort [...]

The importance of discipline and consistency in piano playing2021-09-07T14:03:05+01:00
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