Performance tips

Piano Performance: Overcome Your Stage Fright


Stage fright should not hinder one from performing in front of an audience. Yet it is very much a reality. Did you know there are ways to help overcome it? Brief Background on Public Piano Performances and How Technology Changed them The first ever public piano concert in history was performed by Johann Christian Bach in 1768, London. J.C Bach is the youngest son of the well known J.S. Bach. This public performance was the start of many of its kind. J.C. Bach, like his father, was a very gifted musician and composed many works during his life. The Opera became [...]

Piano Performance: Overcome Your Stage Fright2024-03-26T10:03:17+00:00

Mastering Piano Chord Playing: Techniques to Perform Like a Professional


Playing chords on the piano is a foundational skill for any aspiring musician. From classical to jazz, pop to rock, chords are the building blocks of music, providing the harmonic framework upon which melodies and rhythms are built.Mastering technique is essential to playing chords like a professional. In this article, we'll explore four key techniques that will help you elevate your piano chord playing to a professional level.So read on to make sure your chordal techniques are up to par and ready to assist you with your pianistic expression!Hand ShapeThe first step to playing chords like a pro is to adopt [...]

Mastering Piano Chord Playing: Techniques to Perform Like a Professional2024-03-25T17:11:28+00:00

What Is Perfect Pitch?


Most people have heard of the wonders of perfect pitch. But what exactly is it? Is it an innate ability? Can you learn it over time? Follow this article for an answer to all of your questions. Perfect pitch is considered a highly sought-after skill in the music industry, as it allows musicians to instantly identify and produce any musical note without the need for a reference. Musicians with perfect pitch are able to instantly recognise notes and chords, making it easier for them to compose, improvise, and transcribe music. They can also identify and correct pitch errors in their own [...]

What Is Perfect Pitch?2023-03-16T08:54:12+00:00

How To Improve Your Memory For The Piano


Improving your memory can be a great way to enhance your piano-playing skills and I am here to provide you with a few tips to achieve just that. Practice Regularly Consistent practice is crucial for improving your memory when learning to play the piano. When you practice the same pieces repeatedly, you are strengthening the neural connections in your brain that are responsible for muscle memory. This allows your fingers to move easily and smoothly over the keys, making it less challenging for you to recall the notes and fingerings as you play. In order to see results, try to [...]

How To Improve Your Memory For The Piano2023-01-30T05:19:04+00:00

The Importance Of Understanding And Interpreting Your Piano Music


As a musician, learning how to play the piano is a rewarding and fulfilling journey. But, simply being able to play the notes on the page is not enough – it is equally important to understand and interpret the music you are performing. Understanding and interpreting your piano music allows you to bring your own unique flair and personality to a piece, and helps you to connect with the music on a deeper level. So, What Does It Mean To Understand And Interpret Piano Music? To understand a piece of music, you need to have a basic knowledge of its structure [...]

The Importance Of Understanding And Interpreting Your Piano Music2023-01-03T21:18:09+00:00

Most Common Mistakes When Learning The Piano As A Beginner


Everyone has to start somewhere when learning an instrument and surprisingly a lot of beginners make the same mistakes at the beginning of their journey. As a piano teacher, here are the most common mistakes that I see being made. Have a look and see how many you do / have corrected. Surprisingly to most people, the first mistake is usually made before the starting line. Now this may leave you thinking ‘how can you make a mistake before even starting?’ Well, usually when I talk to my students on their first lesson I get told many times that they [...]

Most Common Mistakes When Learning The Piano As A Beginner2022-11-23T20:14:00+00:00

Coping With Stress In Practising/Performing


With this article, I would like to share a few things that I found extremely helpful over the years- when it comes to coping with stress. Performing and practising can be highly demanding, and synchronising everyday life with the discipline of piano playing can be a true challenge. It is important to distinguish different types of stress in different fields of music making, so I will focus mainly on the quality of practice time as that is a good base for any further topic. The difficulty in maintaining a quality practice session stems from several aspects… the amount of work that [...]

Coping With Stress In Practising/Performing2022-10-31T12:57:37+00:00

Choosing Repertoire for Performances


Choosing Repertoire This is a very interesting topic that could dictate a lot on how we progress and how we discover our strengths and weaknesses. Many performers today have chosen to stick to performing works by one or just a few composers. This allows a complete dedication and sinking into the depths of a specific language and style. On the other hand, we have performers who like to discover as they play - as they grow as musicians, finding new pieces and challenging themselves by immersing themselves into the unknown. What I find interesting is how the repertoire we chose shapes [...]

Choosing Repertoire for Performances2022-04-14T08:31:11+01:00

Joy of improvising and 7 day challenge!


Improvising on piano - Part 2 Hello music lovers! In part 1 of this article, I wrote about the importance of composing and improvising on piano. If you haven’t yet - check it out. We discussed the very beginnings of structured improvisation. It is easy and anyone can do it. It might not be the most comfortable at first but it is definitely beneficial, fun and progressively better the more we do it! I suggested that the first steps of structured improvisation could be through imitation of what we hear and variation of some of the components in that material. In [...]

Joy of improvising and 7 day challenge!2022-01-19T21:33:36+00:00

Importance of improvisation & composing in musical development


Improvising on piano - Part 1 When we mention improvisation and composing to an averagely educated instrumentalist, both of these concepts sound scary, to say the least. The problem with music education is that it focuses on the bare minimum so to say: it provides music literacy and basic knowledge of playing a specific instrument. It takes a long time to become a healthy-sounding performer- so it is no wonder that this is the case. When we combine other activities in life; obligatory education, homework, commitments of all sorts - practising the piano every day seems plenty as it is. The [...]

Importance of improvisation & composing in musical development2022-01-19T21:41:20+00:00
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