Piano History

5 Fascinating Facts About the Piano You Probably Didn’t Know


The piano is often overlooked when it comes to interesting facts and new information. Nevertheless, here are 5 facts worth the read. 1. Pianos Have Been Sent to Space Before If I was sent to space, I’d definitely take an instrument with me to pass the time if I could. Ed Lu seized the opportunity to take an electric piano to space with him and play it. Lu graduated with an electrical engineering degree and was later chosen to partake in NASA's astronaut program. Three years later he was sent into space. On his third time going to space, Lu used [...]

5 Fascinating Facts About the Piano You Probably Didn’t Know2024-06-04T09:34:37+01:00

How Does a Piano Work?


When you tend to look at the how and why of things, you grow a deeper understanding and grow in knowledge. Nevertheless, whether you approach life with a deeper or shallow outlook, have you ever wondered how a piano works? The Piano is considered one of the most intricate instruments in existence due to its many complex components, parts and pieces that make up the instrument. It is also one of the easiest instruments to start learning, due to getting a direct sound response when applying pressure to any of the keys- regardless of skill. Most other instruments require specific methods [...]

How Does a Piano Work?2024-03-07T15:09:13+00:00

Classical Music VS Modern Music


Classical music and modern music are two very different genres that have evolved over time, each with their own unique characteristics. Classical music is often associated with elegance, sophistication, and intellectual pursuits, whilst modern music is often characterised by energy, simplicity, and emotion. One of the most significant differences between classical music and modern music is their instrumentation. Classical music is often performed by a full orchestra, consisting of various instruments, each with its own unique sound and role to help produce the overall desired result. The use of acoustic instruments creates a warm and natural sound that many people find [...]

Classical Music VS Modern Music2023-03-16T08:55:09+00:00

A Journey Through the Musical Ages


You may notice that when you play the piano different pieces have certain characteristics. This will have something to do with the time period that it was written in. Music has five main eras, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modernist; today, we are going to travel in time and discover the beauty of each period. The Renaissance period (1400-1600) was ruled by composers from the likes of William Byrd, Thomas Tallis and Claudio Monteverdi. Interestingly, Byrd and Tallis were the first composers to ever be granted a patent to print and publish music meanwhile Monteverdi was the first opera composer who’s [...]

A Journey Through the Musical Ages2023-01-03T21:17:02+00:00

The best classical pianists of all time


The Best Classical Pianists of All Time Over the centuries, the piano has given the world some incredible musicians. Obviously, we know that music is subjective, what appeals to one person may not be another’s cup of tea – but here are just a few of the pianists that we consider the greats.18th century Mozart The most famous composer of them all, Mozart is regarded as one of the best pianists that ever lived. His work was hugely versatile and clearly reflects the way piano music changed during the classical era, he also inspired many of the other greats in this [...]

The best classical pianists of all time2021-03-01T10:21:41+00:00

The history of the piano


Discover the history of the piano - from the inventions made by Bartolomeo Cristofori to the modern concert grand! By JaGa - Own work, GFDL, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3885374 The pianoforte, more commonly known as simply just the piano, is one of the world’s most popular instruments. The instrument actually dates back hundreds of years and in that time the world has changed beyond recognition – but how has the piano evolved with it? Although exact dates are unknown, most history books agree that the first piano came into being around the turn of the 18th century, and the invention is widely accredited to [...]

The history of the piano2021-03-01T10:18:46+00:00
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