Piano Playing Facts

The Surprising Pros and Cons of Playing Piano: Why It’s Still Worth Pursuing


In a world full of screens and gadgets, the classic piano shines bright as a symbol of creativity and hard work. This beautiful instrument, with its keys of black and white, takes both players and listeners on a magical ride filled with deep feelings and smart discoveries. But, learning to play the piano isn't always easy. This article explores the many good things and a few tough spots about diving into piano playing, showing why, even with its ups and downs, it's still a journey worth taking. The Benefits of Playing Piano 1. Enhanced Cognitive Abilities Studies have repeatedly confirmed that [...]

The Surprising Pros and Cons of Playing Piano: Why It’s Still Worth Pursuing2024-03-07T15:11:16+00:00

Why I love teaching adult amateur pianists


I enjoy teaching adult amateur pianists for a variety of reasons, but the major one is that they have a passion and love for the instrument that I have rarely seen in professional pianists. Professional pianists, of course, adore the piano; otherwise, they would not have chosen to spend their lives playing it, but the level of perfection necessary can sometimes turn the situation around. To defend your title as a concert pianist, you must ensure that each performance is flawless and that each note is played in a precise manner to ensure the overall beauty of your interpretation. Technical and [...]

Why I love teaching adult amateur pianists2021-10-02T09:14:46+01:00

Sound as a central aspect of music making


Absolutely everything produces sound. Traffic, speaking, waterfalls, cash machines... and my personal favourite, people playing instruments and people singing. Sound is defined as “vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person’s ear”. From my experience we take sound for granted. I am quite certain that the majority of us does not hear a sound and think “that is a traveling vibration”. Music, having sound production in its essence, is perhaps the most abstract of arts - we can not see it, touch it, it enters our ears and the rest happens [...]

Sound as a central aspect of music making2021-06-24T19:18:50+01:00

How to adapt to a different piano for each performance


Having to adapt to a different piano at each performance can sometimes be quite a tricky exercise. There are basically two standard acoustic pianos, namely the upright piano and the grand piano. There is quite a significant difference between them, let alone having to play on any given piano except for the one you are used to playing on. The upright piano has vertical strings and is more seen as the ‘household’ piano used for training children or plainly for a practice instrument. The action is that of hammers hitting against the vertically strung strings within an upright wooden body. The [...]

How to adapt to a different piano for each performance2021-03-01T10:44:41+00:00

Why you need to take weekly piano lessons


The importance of taking your piano lessons weekly. Why you need to persist and persevere to become the pianist YOU want to be! Taking weekly piano lessons is the best way for you to make SERIOUS improvement in your piano playing! At the London Piano Institute we offer excellent quality weekly piano lessons in London. It is our utmost desire to help YOU as an adult succeed at playing the piano and we will do everything in our power to help you learn! Success is built upon a solid foundation. We do not neglect important foundational elements. We want to help [...]

Why you need to take weekly piano lessons2021-03-01T10:37:14+00:00

8 Reasons why you need to practice your piano scales daily


REASON 1: Practising your scales will develop your musical technique and finger-ability on the piano There is no arguing about the fact that the world’s greatest pianists practised scales on a daily basis in order to develop superb technique. Paderewski, one of the most renowned pianists and once Prime Minister of Poland had an (approx.) twelve-hour daily workout of scales, arpeggios and various other exercises. He also started piano at a late age. Proving that YOU can learn and become great at any age! Paderewski studied under master pianist Leschetizky, who made ABSOLUTELY sure Paderewski practised and practised and practised some [...]

8 Reasons why you need to practice your piano scales daily2021-03-02T11:44:45+00:00

Piano lessons actually make you smarter


Fact: Learning the piano can increase your brainpower! Like playing chess or tackling sudoku puzzles, taking piano lessons is a proven method to increase your ability to think, improvise and solve problems. But if you’re sceptical, and rightly so, consider the psychological studies from the University of Zurich, which have suggested that after even small amounts of play, visible changes can be seen in the architecture of the brain. So, aside from the obvious reasons why you might want to learn the piano, what are the additional benefits of playing? Regular piano play can benefit you enormously. Not only is playing [...]

Piano lessons actually make you smarter2021-03-01T10:14:46+00:00
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