adult learning

Am I Too Old For Piano Lessons?


So, you're thinking about taking up piano lessons as an adult and the big question on your mind is, "Am I too old for this?" Well, let me tell you my friend, age is just a number! And honestly, what's the worst that could happen? You might not become the next Beethoven, but at least you'll have a new hobby to impress your friends and family with. Now, let's talk about some of the benefits of learning to play the piano as an adult. First off, you've probably already developed your music taste and have a better understanding of what you [...]

Am I Too Old For Piano Lessons?2023-04-26T10:09:48+01:00

The fear of failure is the primary reason why adults do not begin learning to play the piano.


When I meet new people in different contexts, I am frequently asked what I do for a living. People are often amazed and envious when I tell them I am a pianist. “I wish I could play a musical instrument!” I frequently hear. It's amazing to meet so many people who want to play the piano but don't take the necessary steps to make their desire a reality! I am always astounded when individuals tell me how much they want to do something but do nothing to make it happen. I understand that it is not always simple to make our [...]

The fear of failure is the primary reason why adults do not begin learning to play the piano.2021-10-11T14:26:52+01:00

How adults can start to play the piano?


Many adults contemplate the idea of starting to play the piano, but they do not always know where to begin. "Is there a book I can buy?", "Shall I look on YouTube?", "Shall I rather contact a piano teacher or a music school?", "Is it even possible for me as an adult to learn how to play the piano?". So many questions go through their minds that they often exhaust themselves looking for the answer and lose the courage to take any action. They feel lost and do not know who to turn to. I completely understand that adults are often [...]

How adults can start to play the piano?2021-10-11T11:22:17+01:00

Why I love teaching adult amateur pianists


I enjoy teaching adult amateur pianists for a variety of reasons, but the major one is that they have a passion and love for the instrument that I have rarely seen in professional pianists. Professional pianists, of course, adore the piano; otherwise, they would not have chosen to spend their lives playing it, but the level of perfection necessary can sometimes turn the situation around. To defend your title as a concert pianist, you must ensure that each performance is flawless and that each note is played in a precise manner to ensure the overall beauty of your interpretation. Technical and [...]

Why I love teaching adult amateur pianists2021-10-02T09:14:46+01:00

Dont’ follow the crowd – Succeed at piano playing


I'm always perplexed by most adults' attitudes toward piano playing. Most adults begin and then stop after a few weeks. I don't understand why they embark on such a wonderful journey and then abandon ship at the first hurdle. I've been teaching piano for over 20 years and I've noticed a consistent pattern: 9 out of 10 adults stop taking piano lessons after 6 months. Some of them stop even earlier. It happens not only with my students, but also with people who take classes with my colleagues. Adults appear to have a misunderstanding about piano playing. When they begin their [...]

Dont’ follow the crowd – Succeed at piano playing2021-09-16T13:12:38+01:00

The importance of discipline and consistency in piano playing


Consistency is key. You might have heard or read this sentence several times. You surely understand its meaning and you surely agree with it. You might or might not apply it in your daily life but did you know that these essential principles which are discipline and consistency apply to piano playing too? Throughout my career as a piano teacher, I have met several men and women who were extremely disciplined in some aspects of their life. I did not specifically discuss the subject with them but I could see that they were successful and that a good amount of effort [...]

The importance of discipline and consistency in piano playing2021-09-07T14:03:05+01:00

How can I learn piano while having a demanding job?


Many adults sadly do not get into piano playing, despite their burning desire to learn how to play their favourite instrument, or never get back to it after a long break. Others give up after a few months because they think that they are too busy at work to justify their piano lessons. Throughout my career I have met a large number of adults who never made their dream come true due to some wrong beliefs. As others succeeded greatly and manage to run both a successful career as TV producer, banker or lawyer and brilliant piano studies, I wanted to [...]

How can I learn piano while having a demanding job?2021-09-06T18:48:12+01:00

How long does it take to learn piano?


Well... It is probably the most challenging question that I have ever had to answer. Most adults who contemplate learning how to play the piano, or who have already decided to start, have the same question in mind: “How long does it take to learn piano?” It depends Every time an adult asks me this question, I give the same reply: “It depends”. It depends as it depends on various factors: your exact goal, your natural ability, the amount of time you dedicate to personal practice and the instructor you are studying with. As you may have probably understood, it is [...]

How long does it take to learn piano?2023-12-13T15:03:09+00:00

10 Reasons why you don’t need any prior experience to start learning the piano!


Discover 10 reasons why you really do not need to know anything at all about playing the piano prior to starting out There are things we all wish we had started sooner. From learning a new language, taking up a new sport, or mastering a musical instrument - many adults simply don’t try to learn a new skill because they think they’re too old to start as a complete beginner now. If you’ve been thinking about learning the piano but have been disheartened by a lack of prior experience, here’s the truth: you can start learning the piano at any age. [...]

10 Reasons why you don’t need any prior experience to start learning the piano!2021-03-02T11:44:03+00:00

Can adults learn how to play the piano?


Many people live with the assumption that learning to play the piano is an activity that must be picked up in childhood in order to get the best results. While learning as a child can give some individuals a head start and establish them as child prodigies, most people find it difficult to muster the interest and motivation at such a young age. They then go through life believing the opportunity passed them by the moment they turned 18. Here at the London Piano Institute, we believe that this is simply not true. We strongly believe that the piano is a [...]

Can adults learn how to play the piano?2020-03-02T20:18:39+00:00
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