Life Improvement

Piano Superpowers: How Playing the Piano Can Boost Your Creativity and Focus


The piano, one of the most versatile musical instruments, offers numerous benefits to those who take the time to learn and play it.While most people recognise its ability to develop musical talent and provide emotional expression, playing the piano also nurtures important cognitive functions. In particular, it significantly enhances creativity and focus.These mental faculties are essential for problem-solving, productivity, and emotional well-being, making piano playing not only an artistic endeavour but also a powerful tool for personal and intellectual growth.Stimulating Creativity Through Musical ExplorationOne of the most direct ways that playing the piano enhances creativity is by encouraging self-expression and experimentation.The [...]

Piano Superpowers: How Playing the Piano Can Boost Your Creativity and Focus2024-10-12T11:49:38+01:00

The Application of Music as a Therapeutic Tool


Music is often considered to be the language of the soul. It has the power to move us emotionally, intellectually, and even spiritually. Music can be therapeutic, and its use as a tool for healing has been recognised since ancient times. Music therapy is a form of expressive therapy that involves using music to improve a person’s mental, emotional, and physical health. Music therapy has been shown to have numerous benefits for individuals suffering from a wide range of health issues, including depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and addiction. It has also been used to help individuals with developmental disabilities, such [...]

The Application of Music as a Therapeutic Tool2023-04-05T20:33:34+01:00

The Rule of Three


I was watching a video recently about an Olympic athlete talking about their training. Right before they went to the last Olympics, they had a training session and, in their words, "was like a trainwreck'. They, of course, want to go to the Olympics in peak condition to have the best chance of winning and the worry was that they were behind in their progress. Their coach, however, had some great advice to give. She said when you are training at your upper levels of performance, not every session is going to be perfect and called it "the rule of [...]

The Rule of Three2023-03-16T08:54:36+00:00

The fear of failure is the primary reason why adults do not begin learning to play the piano.


When I meet new people in different contexts, I am frequently asked what I do for a living. People are often amazed and envious when I tell them I am a pianist. “I wish I could play a musical instrument!” I frequently hear. It's amazing to meet so many people who want to play the piano but don't take the necessary steps to make their desire a reality! I am always astounded when individuals tell me how much they want to do something but do nothing to make it happen. I understand that it is not always simple to make our [...]

The fear of failure is the primary reason why adults do not begin learning to play the piano.2021-10-11T14:26:52+01:00

This race against the clock will kill your piano playing


Some adults begin their piano studies with the intention of completing it quickly. They do not begin because they are enthusiastic about playing the piano and want to incorporate this wonderful activity into their lives. They begin piano lessons as soon as possible in order to achieve their goal and cross it off their bucket list. I have met a few adults with this mindset who told me right away that they were going to give it a year. They wanted to quickly master piano playing so they could move on to something else. It had to be done as we [...]

This race against the clock will kill your piano playing2021-10-01T10:32:14+01:00

The importance of discipline and consistency in piano playing


Consistency is key. You might have heard or read this sentence several times. You surely understand its meaning and you surely agree with it. You might or might not apply it in your daily life but did you know that these essential principles which are discipline and consistency apply to piano playing too? Throughout my career as a piano teacher, I have met several men and women who were extremely disciplined in some aspects of their life. I did not specifically discuss the subject with them but I could see that they were successful and that a good amount of effort [...]

The importance of discipline and consistency in piano playing2021-09-07T14:03:05+01:00

How can I learn piano while having a demanding job?


Many adults sadly do not get into piano playing, despite their burning desire to learn how to play their favourite instrument, or never get back to it after a long break. Others give up after a few months because they think that they are too busy at work to justify their piano lessons. Throughout my career I have met a large number of adults who never made their dream come true due to some wrong beliefs. As others succeeded greatly and manage to run both a successful career as TV producer, banker or lawyer and brilliant piano studies, I wanted to [...]

How can I learn piano while having a demanding job?2021-09-06T18:48:12+01:00

Why is it advantageous to learn to play a musical instrument in your adult years


This question begets a much more fundamental question namely why is it advantageous to learn a musical instrument at all? I will, however, proceed on the premises that the reader is convinced of the benefits of being able to play an instrument reasonably well at an early age, the only question now remaining, is if it is worth your while to put in the time and effort at a later stage of your life. It is not only about being able to play “The Moonlight Sonata” faultlessly at a party to impress your friends with Coldplay's’ newest “Hot” play but in [...]

Why is it advantageous to learn to play a musical instrument in your adult years2021-03-01T10:43:34+00:00

How learning piano can improve other areas of your life


From Donna Maurer: how learning piano can improve other areas of your life The piano is a powerful instrument, allowing a person to become musically talented as well as gaining and retaining the knowledge of various abilities. When you take the time to learn the piano, the benefits can actually help with improving many other areas within your life. It’s hard to imagine that playing an instrument can do this, but these improvements are actually backed by science and studies, proving that it truly is a beneficial instrument to learn all around. If you are or were ever considering taking up [...]

How learning piano can improve other areas of your life2021-05-28T00:00:22+01:00
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