Piano Lessons

Why Private Piano Lessons Remain Essential in the Age of AI


In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in various fields, including education. The classical piano market is no exception, with AI-powered tools and platforms revolutionising how people learn and practise the instrument. However, despite these technological advancements, private piano lessons with human instructors remain essential. This article delves into the reasons why traditional private lessons continue to be invaluable, even as AI technology reshapes the landscape of piano education. Personalised and Holistic Feedback Tailored Instruction AI-driven learning platforms such as Flowkey, Simply Piano, and Skoove offer personalised lesson plans that adapt to a student’s pace and skill [...]

Why Private Piano Lessons Remain Essential in the Age of AI2024-06-17T17:19:51+01:00

Mastering a New Piece in a Single Lesson – Debussy’s Reverie as an Example


What you need to know in Mastering a new piece in one lesson. We will take Debussy's Reverie as an example to showcase a comprehensive guide to expression, technique and musicality. "Réverie" by Debussy is a nuanced piece that requires attention to detail in terms of colour, phrasing, and balance between both hands. Here's an expanded plan that includes these aspects to effectively convey these musical elements to students in a single piano lesson: 1. Introduction to the Piece (5 minutes) Briefly introduce Claude Debussy and the "Réverie" piece. Discuss the overall mood, character, and unique qualities of the piece. 2. [...]

Mastering a New Piece in a Single Lesson – Debussy’s Reverie as an Example2024-05-30T10:43:50+01:00

Piano Teacher vs Being Self-Taught


Do-it-yourself (DIY) has become such a common phrase these days that when it comes to certain areas where a lot of skill is required, such as playing the piano, it can put your overall skill and technique in jeopardy. Yes there are many resources to help one with learning to play the piano by yourself, but is it justifiable to neglect the importance of having a teacher? You’re torn between booking that lesson or just teaching yourself. Which one is better? Well, in this article we are going to analyse both sides from a neutral perspective and compromise. The Benefits [...]

Piano Teacher vs Being Self-Taught2024-06-27T22:09:01+01:00

Am I Too Old For Piano Lessons?


So, you're thinking about taking up piano lessons as an adult and the big question on your mind is, "Am I too old for this?" Well, let me tell you my friend, age is just a number! And honestly, what's the worst that could happen? You might not become the next Beethoven, but at least you'll have a new hobby to impress your friends and family with. Now, let's talk about some of the benefits of learning to play the piano as an adult. First off, you've probably already developed your music taste and have a better understanding of what you [...]

Am I Too Old For Piano Lessons?2023-04-26T10:09:48+01:00

How adults can start to play the piano?


Many adults contemplate the idea of starting to play the piano, but they do not always know where to begin. "Is there a book I can buy?", "Shall I look on YouTube?", "Shall I rather contact a piano teacher or a music school?", "Is it even possible for me as an adult to learn how to play the piano?". So many questions go through their minds that they often exhaust themselves looking for the answer and lose the courage to take any action. They feel lost and do not know who to turn to. I completely understand that adults are often [...]

How adults can start to play the piano?2021-10-11T11:22:17+01:00

This race against the clock will kill your piano playing


Some adults begin their piano studies with the intention of completing it quickly. They do not begin because they are enthusiastic about playing the piano and want to incorporate this wonderful activity into their lives. They begin piano lessons as soon as possible in order to achieve their goal and cross it off their bucket list. I have met a few adults with this mindset who told me right away that they were going to give it a year. They wanted to quickly master piano playing so they could move on to something else. It had to be done as we [...]

This race against the clock will kill your piano playing2021-10-01T10:32:14+01:00

Should you or should you not learn how to play the piano as an adult?


It is a well-known question that many adults have in mind: “Should I or shouldn’t I learn how to play the piano?” You are 30, 40, 50 or even 60 years old and you wonder if it makes any sense to start learning how to play or get back to it after stopping your education in your early 20s. Many adults contemplate the idea of returning to piano playing or embarking on a piano journey but only a few take the plunge. It is a shame, especially as it is based on unfounded beliefs, doubts and uncertainties. Some have played in [...]

Should you or should you not learn how to play the piano as an adult?2021-04-28T15:12:28+01:00

Why you need to take weekly piano lessons


The importance of taking your piano lessons weekly. Why you need to persist and persevere to become the pianist YOU want to be! Taking weekly piano lessons is the best way for you to make SERIOUS improvement in your piano playing! At the London Piano Institute we offer excellent quality weekly piano lessons in London. It is our utmost desire to help YOU as an adult succeed at playing the piano and we will do everything in our power to help you learn! Success is built upon a solid foundation. We do not neglect important foundational elements. We want to help [...]

Why you need to take weekly piano lessons2021-03-01T10:37:14+00:00

5 Things to do before you book a piano lesson


At the Piano Institute, we believe that piano playing is a hobby to be enjoyed by every one of all ages – after all, you really are never too old to play the piano! In fact, we think that more adults should either pick up or re-indulge in this particular past time, as the stress-relieving, mood-boosting qualities of playing the ivories are remarkable! If you are thinking of exploring the world of piano playing, here are 5 things you must do before you dive straight into your journey of musical discovery… 1. Find your perfect teacher Finding the right teacher is [...]

5 Things to do before you book a piano lesson2021-03-02T11:44:34+00:00

Can adults learn how to play the piano?


Many people live with the assumption that learning to play the piano is an activity that must be picked up in childhood in order to get the best results. While learning as a child can give some individuals a head start and establish them as child prodigies, most people find it difficult to muster the interest and motivation at such a young age. They then go through life believing the opportunity passed them by the moment they turned 18. Here at the London Piano Institute, we believe that this is simply not true. We strongly believe that the piano is a [...]

Can adults learn how to play the piano?2020-03-02T20:18:39+00:00
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